Corporate Social Responsibility
Patech Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., through our pursuit of sustainable management and reasonable profit, recognizes our responsibility to customers, employees, society, and environment. Built on our foundation of trust and honesty, we are committed to uphold the standards of ethical behavior. We promise that all of our business practices, business activities, and corporate management systems are in line with ethical, professional, and legal standards.
Protect Human and Labor Rights
We have developed and put in place relevant policies, guided by the standards as set out in the UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact (UNGC), International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and National Labor Standard. We provides reasonable salary and not permitting child labor or forced labor; prohibits workplace harassment and gender based violence; encourages employees taking paid leaves; subsidizes employees and their families for vacation; supports employees to form groups and to participate in group activities; allows direct communication with company management without fear of threats or retaliations. We also conforms the working hours regulated by goverment of the maximum legal working hours per week and any prolonged working hour needs to be approved by union or labor-management meeting. Considering the health of labor, the total prolonged hours do not exceed 12 hours as mandated by government. In addition, we regularly review the the human right policy of our suppliers to ensure there are no violation on human rights according to international standard, and will stop the procurement and initiate investigation if received grievance against our supplier. To report violations of any human right policy, please email us at The final grivance findings will be published on our website.01 -
Provide Safe and Friendly Working Environment
Patech aims to create a friendly working environment for our employees, so we prohibit any gender and racial discrimination, and do not allow verbal abuse or behavioral violence in our company. Regularly hold labor-management meetings to provide a channel for our employees relfect their opion. Conducts routine fire & safety training exercises; provides free annual health checks; actively promotes workplace safety program (6S); establishes information system on potential occupational hazards; institutes programs to improve operational guidelines,equipment, and environment; beautifies and greening of factory surrounding to give employees a clean, pleasant, and safe working environment.02 -
Adhere to Strong Ethical Principals
Upholds our corporate principle on honesty;conducts businesses with integrity, fair trade, and no illegal profits;prohibits employees from giving or receiving bribery or disclose private information; respects intellectual property rights; to report violations of our business ethics policy, please email us at -
Emphasize on Environmental Protection
Monitors future environmental trends and regulations closely; joins ASHARE organization and actively participates in development of lubricant for next generation low GWP refrigerants; continues to research and develop high efficiency fuel economy additives; implements recycle and reuse program of production wastes; actively promotes reduction of waste and mission; installs proper waste management and emission treatment systems;as member of RSPO, Patech is commiting to protecting the environment and biodiversity via our NPDE policy (see here), and emphasizes environmentally friendly and sustainable development as our business objectives. In the meantime, Patech is moving forwarder on zero deforestation and Ecosystem conversion to follow the European Regulation on Deforestation Free Products (EUDR) and it is expeciting to achieve by 2024-Dec-15.04 -
Give Back to Community
Donates to social welfare groups; encourages employees to participate in community service activities and offer care for vulnerable groups.05 -
Report Grievance
Any of your grievance will be the driving force for us to improve Patech Fine Chemicals, so if you found any violation of our policies or you have any recommendations about our policies, please contact us at We will have a special committee to handle your grievance.06